Frequently Asked Questions
A quick guide for alumni and other website visitors.
How do I join the Princeton Club of Washington?
There are two ways to get involved with the Club:
- You can register for the Princeton Club of Washington website (for free) to receive our weekly email newsletter and other Club communications. Click here to create your free website account or navigate to the top right corner of the page and click on "New user, registration is FREE."
- You can become a Member of the Princeton Club of Washington. With a Club membership, you pay membership dues, and get benefits with access to discounted event prices and members-only events. PCW Membership lasts for one year from purchase. To join the Club, create your website account (see above or click here) and then navigate to "Join PCW" under the Membership tab (or click here).
When do memberships expire?
Membership lasts for one year from purchase. To view your membership expiration date, log into your website account and click on "My Account" in the top left corner of the page.
Forgot your User ID or password?
Your user ID is the email address you used to create your PCW website account. If you cannot remember which email address you used, please email the PCW officers and we will look it up for you.
If you remember your user ID but forgot your password, you can reset it by clicking here.
Your USER ID (email) and PASSWORD are your "twin keys" to using the site.
How do I change my account information?
Once you Sign In/Log in, you can access the "My Account" link (top Right of home page). There you can change the details on your email, your password, and other information.
Website help?
Contact the PCW officers.
Are memberships tax deductible?
Generally yes, but you should consult an accountant. The Princeton Club of Washington is a 501(c)3 corporation incorporated in Washington, DC.
Other Questions?
Email princetonclubofwashington [at] gmail [dot] com