Community Service Event: Volunteer with PCW to help students at Emma's Torch prepare for job interviews
When: Sunday, October 27th-- 1-3pm
Where: 2212 Rhode Island Ave N.E. Washington DC 20018
Transportation options: The Washington DC cafe of Emma's Torch is located in a storefront on the north-side of Rhode Island Ave Northeast. It is located an 8-minute drive northeast of the WMATA station Rhode Island Avenue, on the Red Line. Rideshare from the Metro or street parking within the neighborhood is recommended; parking can be hard to locate directly on Rhode Island Avenue.
More information & activity for the dayThe organization is looking for a small group of volunteers to conduct mock-interviews with their students and help them prepare for their upcoming job interviews. Emma’s Torch is a non-profit social enterprise based in New York City and Washington D.C. Their mission is to train refugees, asylees, and survivors of human trafficking in the culinary arts and to empower them to build meaningful careers in the culinary industry. Their students participate in a full-time, paid culinary training program in preparation for job placement. Throughout their program, they have the opportunity to learn in both a classroom and apprentice setting, thanks to their restaurant, cafe, and catering social enterprises.
How to registerPlease email John Veras '11 with your name, Princeton affiliation, and a phone number you can be reached at on Sunday, October 27th.
QuestionsPCW Community Service Chair John Veras '11


1:00PM - 3:00PM Sun 27 Oct 2024, Eastern timezone


Emma's Torch Cafe
2212 Rhode Island Ave NE
Washington, DC 20018

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