Ivy Social Club Events


About the Club

The Ivy Social Club (formally the Ivy Singles Social Club) is a coalition of Ivy League, Seven Sister and other prestigious schools' regional alumni associations that sponsors social activities. Events are open to alumni of member schools and their guests. Most attendees are in their 30s, 40s or 50s. All ages are welcome.

A lumni clubs from Princeton, Yale, Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, Wellesley, Stanford, Smith, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, and Vassar are all currently involved. The club has a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from most of the alumni clubs involved. If you would like to help organize an event or recommend an event, contact Bruce McBarnette '80.


August 3 - Rock Creek Hike, Western Ridge Trail, Thai Food, and Energy Session | Learn more and register here

August 24 - US Capitol Tour, Thai Food, and Energy Session | Learn more and register here

August 24 - Ivy Singles Event at The Italian Cafe - hosted by Cornell Club of Washington | Register here

September 14 -  Embassy Hike, Thai Food, and Energy Session | Learn more and register here

September 7 - Embassy of Sri Lanka Dinner, Music, and Dance | Learn more and register here


 Select Board Members

Steve Piekarec, Chair & Cornell representative
Bruce McBarnette '80, Princeton representative
Courtney Kirkman, Smith representative
Kari H. Fawcett, Vassar representative
Nancy LaVerda, Columbia representative

Peter Meyer, Harvard representative