Hilary Bernstein '14

Meet our Secretary and Programs Co-Chair!

Born and raised in Los Angeles, I graduated from Princeton in 2014 with a degree in Economics and minors in Spanish and French. On campus, I was captain of the JV Tennis team, a peer academic adviser, Butler College Council social chair, dining hall coordinator, and TigerCall supervisor. After graduation, I moved to DC for four years, where I worked in consulting and human resources. I then left to get my Master's in Business Administration (MBA) from Duke's Fuqua School of Business. I just graduated in May 2020 and moved back to Pentagon City, Arlington to start work at Accenture as a human resources manager. 
I'm currently the PCW Secretary and Programs Co-chair. I'm also a Princeton alumni interviewer and Annual Giving volunteer. I was previously the chair of the PCW Young Alumni and Community Service committees.  
In my free time, I love playing tennis, softball, rock climbing, hiking, painting, and baking. Please let me know if you have any questions/suggestions. I look forward to meeting you at PCW events!